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How To Sew Jersey With Perfection

Sewing a difficult fabric is the challenge in itself and you must complete it successfully to prove that you are a perfect sewer. Elastic fabrics are one of those challenging fabrics that are not easy to handle, so you have to go through certain tips and tricks to control it. Jersey is that fabric that can bother you during the project.
In the industrial sector, sewers usually opt for the best sewing machine for home use to easily sew jersey fabric, but when sewing on the home machine, how are you supposed to handle it? In this blog, you will get all the information and you can get more information about sewing machines at and familiarize yourself with the machine.


The first thing you may need to handle stretch fabrics such as jersey is serger. You can also choose overlockers if you do not have a server and do not want to invest. The serger is one of the incredible tools when it comes to creating polished and professionally finished fabrics. Serge is a bit expensive, so maybe many sewers don't want to invest in it.

Use a serger for sewing jersey fabric
If you are working on a professional project, such as a client or creating something for home decoration, I recommend using a server, as it can help you complete the project quickly and can also help you manage the fabric texture. You no longer have to stretch and pull the fabric with your hands.

Right sewing tools:

I have discussed this earlier in the blog that when you work on a difficult fabric, then it is necessary to first verify the configuration of the sewing machine, does it work well or not? Then check the tools you are about to use in the sewing project. If you use a universal needle and thread when sewing the shirt, you are making the biggest mistake.
All elastic fabrics such as Jersey should be sewn with a special needle that must have a pen tip to support the appearance of the fabric. A normal polyester thread will also work because this thread has the ability to stretch and work with fabrics such as jersey. Keep these needles and threads with you when you are sewing Jersey.

Starch Spray:

Part of the Jersey fabric has the ability to roll from the corners and definitely requires more effort. You must be professional to handle this type of fabric or you will end up giving up. Now there is no need to feel frustrated and upset in the middle of the project when you have a starch spray. This spray is basically for the difficult project.
You can prepare a series of stabilizers at home, we have already discussed it in our blog, but in case of emergency when you do not have time and you are running out of time, then you must opt ​​for starch spray. Use the small amount of starch spray on the corners of Jersey and it will prevent the garment from curling up.

Types of stitches:

Jersey is a hard fabric and for that, you must also understand what type of stitches are suitable. If you have the best basic sewing machine, you can use a series of decorative stitches that I will talk about. After using those stitches in your project, you can see the professionalism and neatness in your work. These stitches will also give the jersey an elegant look.
Use the right stitches for sewing jersey fabric
You can use a narrow zigzag, large edge stitch, elastic straight stitch and double needle stitch. In my opinion, these are the stitches that can help you create the strong project, as well as if you want to highlight some of the areas in your shirt or dress and then use this sewing style. Always sew decorative stitches after checking it once in the rough patch that should be from Jersey.

Unstretched during cutting:

I know how difficult it must be when you are about to cut the elastic fabric, but you have no idea how much you need to stretch it and how you are supposed to cut it. The essential principle to remember when cutting Jersey fabric is to never stretch it while cutting it. Keep it simple on the table and use pins to avoid any type of stretching.
I prefer to mark the points of desire from where you have to cut the fabric. The scissors can also create the big fluff in your work, so when you cut Jersey, you must use the rotary cutter instead of the scissors. As scissors it can also stretch the fabric and can disturb the fabric.

Sewing Settings:

As a beginner, I recommend using the simple sewing machine, as it can make your job much easier and you don't have to waste so much time understanding the settings. If you have a simple machine, you can choose the correct settings and start using it. Sewing is one of the most important things to focus on if you want your dress to be professionally tidy.
The seam allowance should be reduced to eliminate the bulky area of ​​the dress and also use the elastic stitch to handle the fabric. If you are going to keep the seam allowance reduced, then you don't have to press it again and again. You can see the fine and sharp line that will bring neatness to your seam.


Sewing Jersey with perfection is a difficult task to accomplish, but if you want to be a sewer professional, you can do anything. If you are looking for a simple but modern sewing machine, get a guide Tips for choosing the best inexpensive sewing machine for beginners that you should know and know more relevant information about the functions, work and sewing of the sewing machine.



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